Restoring America’s Middle Class

Two cars, a house, a stable job and retirement. This used to be the definition of middle class America. While statistically the total population in the middle class has not shrunk in the past decade (51% of American adults lived in middle-class households in 2019, which is the same as 2011[1]), this definition of middle class America has changed[2] dramatically.

This article is not going into details of how the 2007-2009 recession changed relative incomes of lower and middle class Americans, resulting in an overall decline in consumption, which in turn resulted in increased borrowing (and debt) and a decrease in investments[3], nor will it go into one of many other theories as to why wealth for middle classes has changed.

This article is about what Wealth 212˚ is doing to restore America’s middle class, and why we are engaging this fight using real estate as a solution.

As investments and businesses go, few enterprises can match real estate. Certainly not financially on single transactions, with flipping at the top of the list to create new cash. As little as 3-4 successful flips a year can add $100,000 in income, instantly bumping someone to upper-middle class status. For many even one successful flip a year would be life-changing.

This is not news. Rockefeller is not the only wealthy individual pointing the rest of us to the merits of real estate. So what is the challenge? Why are so few starting as entrepreneurs in real estate business?

The main reason is that real estate is as difficult as it is lucrative, and it is very lucrative. Finding properties, negotiating with professionals, getting your math right, finding funding, finding buyers and a hundred other details, each of which can derail a deal, all of these go into making real estate success elusive for most. On top of that, where there is money there are sharks looking for an “easy” dollar.

This last point is why we started Wealth 212˚. The main components of what is needed to succeed can be found with a simple internet search: tools, funding, team support/groups/clubs, and education/updated information. Each comes with a price tag. None taken as a single strategy will get an investor to success.  Making them all work in sync is a task that requires a specialty all in and of itself. We have seen this challenge firsthand; some of us come from these industries. More often than not, people spent as much as they could afford, just to end up getting nowhere and quitting real estate, disillusioned and broke.

Costs to access each of these can be prohibitive. For example, education, such as the Las Vegas seminars or bus tours, can easily run tens of thousands of dollars. Funding often turns out more expensive than initially anticipated. Go figure, money is expensive. Besides 20-40% liquidity there is Cost Of Money, which can add thousands a month while you are trying to finish and sell your rehab. Support groups and clubs have entry and monthly dues. And essential tools can range from hundreds of dollars to tens of thousands, promising access to things like “exclusive lists,” software to evaluate properties and fancy calculators.

Then there is the question of risk. Is there anyone in any of these components that will lose financially if you lose on your deal? No. For example, your team members such as contractors and realtors will make their money even if you go bankrupt over a deal, and tools and education are paid up front.

Clearly there was a need for a comprehensive solution. Wealth 212˚ was started to combine the essentials: affordable funding (including 100% funding and profit split with partners), essential tools, reviews by experts, and up-to-date know-how all in one attractive package. Access is member based, making registration fees and monthly dues a fraction of even the most affordable (legitimate) groups and clubs in the country. Tools and education are free.

Thousands of members are part of a massive network, with credit scores, cash availability and experience not necessary as ingredients to get to success in flipping. Members have no excuses for failure. And for Wealth 212˚, failure is not an option. If you don’t quit, we will hang in there as long as it takes to help you reach your goals.

Does this make real estate investing easy? No. But it does make it easier. Become a member, and let us help you succeed!


OECD. “Under Pressure: The Squeezed Middle Class.” Accessed Jan 5, 2021.


Rolling Stone. “Why Can’t Allyson Get Ahead?”: In the Federal Reserve’s recent annual Survey of Household Economics and Decision-making (SHED), more than one-fifth of adults are behind on their bills, more than one-fourth skipped necessary medical care in 2017 because they were unable to pay for it, and four out of 10 responded that if they needed to come up with $400 unexpectedly, they would only be able to do so by selling something or borrowing the money.
